Eating Disorder
Counseling in Dallas and Fort Worth

There are three primary types of eating disorders that people commonly deal with: Anorexia Nervosa, Exercise Nervosa and Bulimia.

These disorders stem from a need for control and low self-image/esteem. People suffering from eating disorders often feel that the key to their happiness is centered in being “thin”. If only they can loose those few pounds or inches they will then be happy and successful.

Unfortunately no matter how much weight they loose the feeling of contentment never materializes.

Are you struggling with?

  • Refusing to eat or denying hunger

  • Intense fear of gaining weight

  • Negative or distorted self image

  • Excessive exercise

  • Flat mood / lack of emotion

  • Abdominal pain

  • Low blood pressure

  • Frequently feeling cold

  • Eating to the point of feeling discomfort or pain

  • Self-induced vomiting

  • Use of laxatives as a weight loss tool

  • Minstrel irregularities

  • Feeling out of control

  • Constant dieting or fasting


Eating disorders often involve low self esteem and
self consciousness.

A negative running commentary plays in their heads telling them “they aren’t beautiful, will never fit in, everyone is judging them, and/or nothing they do is good enough”. Even when someone takes the essential step of admitting they have a problem and that many of their long held beliefs about themselves aren’t true it is still very difficult to break such long standing habits.

Noyau Wellness and Counseling Center works with clients to develop a healthier more accurate self image, then teaches how to maintain their new found esteem and prevent relapses. A combination of psychotherapy, nutritional planning and self care techniques work to help clients finally experience the success, confidence and fulfillment they have been searching for.